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Ashley Lumb is a photography historian and has circumnavigated the globe since 2013, curating exhibitions and working with artists and collections.


Since obtaining a master’s degree in the History of Photography at the University of St. Andrews in 2012, Ashley has worked in curatorial departments and archives at museums, universities, and non-profit institutions in the US, UK, Australia, and the Middle East. In 2013 she founded Hemera Collective, a curatorial collective specializing in photography and lens-based media. Since 2013, Ashley has curated and co-curated 25 exhibitions in the UK, Europe, US, Australia, and the Middle East for museums, non-profit galleries, festivals, art fairs, universities, and pop up spaces. Since 2014 she has published the London Photography Diary and the New York Photography Diary, sites which now has a yearly following of over 90,000 people. Ashley is currently based in Los Angeles and can be reached at